
10 Reasons Why You Should Be A Nurse Anesthetist

Nurse Anesthetist

Save one life, and you’re a hero. Save 100 lives, and you’re a nurse. Isn’t that a great philosophy? So many people today struggle to find real meaning in their lives. Some even undergo therapy because of it. But you won’t likely discover that same existential crisis among healthcare workers, from the X-ray technician to the surgeon to the registered nurse. Even the custodian probably finds deep value in the work done to accommodate all the patients. 

However, consider another great philosophy that applies to these brave men and women. With great power comes great responsibility. Nobody can care for the weary, the ill, or the dying without first voluntarily accepting a heavy weight on one’s mind and heart; and nobody can leave work every day or night without taking at least some of that burden home. It does not remain quarantined at the hospital. So then, why join the force as a nurse anesthetist?

Well, everybody chooses a career for different reasons. But those reasons tend to overlap, some of which one might consider vocational and some of which one might consider economical. Many people chase after their passion, such as music or writing, and fall in love with the craft but then face financial challenges. Other people “follow the money,” which many would view as more pragmatic. Nurse anesthetists, or CRNAs, don’t have to choose between the two.

The Job Opportunities Will Only Keep Expanding for CRNAs

Any aspiring nurse anesthetist will not suffer challenges in securing a job in this prestigious line of work. In fact, the post-COVID nursing shortage will only necessitate an even larger influx of nursing applicants. But one should not wait to pursue this endeavor. Definitely make hay while the sun still shines. 

High Demand Creates An Advantage for CRNAs

This will enable the CRNA to negotiate various stipulations, such as flexible schedules. A young CRNA might prefer full-time work while an older CRNA might prefer part-time work or on-call, to balance the career with home life, especially with minor children and other dependents. 

CRNAs Do Not Work For Minimum Wage

The average salary of CRNA far exceeds six figures in the USA. Nurse anesthetists will undoubtedly save lives and receive generous rewards for it both in spirit and in financial independence. You can appreciate the balanced exchange here. The economy and society both favor the CRNA with a competitive compensation package.

CRNAs Can Negotiate Workplace Conditions

Of course, the environment must remain sterile and tidy. But a nurse anesthetist can invoke additional requirements, such as where they actually agree to work. Some prefer the hospital. But others choose to work at a dental office or pain clinic. Lots of options for a workplace exist for CRNAs. 

CRNAs Can Serve Brave Men And Women In The U.S. Military 

Nurse anesthetists have such a wide array of medical training that CRNAs will function as the exclusive provider of anesthesia care to American soldiers. Imagine the impact they have on their fellow comrades to serve the country in this powerful way.

CRNAs Can Teach in The Classroom

What if you love this line of work but actually would prefer to spend most of your time outside of the operating room and inside the classroom? Well, nurse anesthetists have that option at their disposal as well. Many CRNAs transition to researchers and professors, and conduct seminars or review legal cases. Sometimes a CRNA just wants to teach students.

CRNAs Take Pride In Their Work

How often have you heard someone complain about how some of their colleagues perform poorly in the workplace? You might hear something along the lines of “well, they just don’t take any pride in their work!” Now consider the hard work and training involved with a nurse anesthetist. Do you think that they take some pride in their work? (Of course!)

CRNAs Build Strong Relationships With Patients

Think about the characteristics that separate a successful salesperson from an unsuccessful salesperson. You might think of a specific haircut or a three-piece suit and leather briefcase or a pleasant candor in his or her voice. But those details don’t specifically matter. Rapport matters, and CRNAs build a lot of trust with all of their patients. That matters!

CRNAs Do Not Have To Work At One Single Place

Do you ever feel too “cooped up” at work, such as in a cubicle or behind a counter? Furthermore, isn’t the sun always shining when you’re at work, and it’s always raining on the weekends when you’re at home? Sometimes it might feel liberating just to get outside for a few minutes—or all week! CRNAs have the option to make a great living on the road. 

CRNAs Work Together

Nurse anesthetists constitute a large community of students and professionals, tightly bonded through mentorship programs that offer scholarships and grants. Volunteer groups extend additional resources for health and wellness, and the community also organizes mission trips and free services to patients who cannot afford the treatment that they need.

Well, What Are You Waiting For?

Wow! Take a moment and ponder such compelling grounds for such a unique, one-of-a-kind work! After all this, is it any wonder why these heroic people spend a lifetime in the healthcare industry?

Time waits for no one. That patient in the hospitable bed, that patient on the operating table, that patient learning how to manage pain or loss of consortium—they all need you. These ten details only comprise a portion of countless other reasons to consider a career as a nurse anesthetist. These motives exemplify why CRNAs willingly and passionately engage in this field.

Where else will you find this rich fulfillment or develop relationships with your colleagues and the people you serve? Where else will you find such rewarding work? With all the people in the world that need you—who depend on you—, when will you decide to pursue this great commission? Consider then this final philosophy, from Hillel the Elder: “If not now, when?” 

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