
The best way to learn product management

product management

Product management is the practice of strategically driving the different stages of making and launching a product. It includes development, making, testing, launch, and the improvement or updates of the products. It is quite hectic since the task needs to be quite strategical and tactical at the same time. Sometimes, when its a startup compy, all the responsibilities will be handled by single person. When the organisation is quite large, you will be given a team and responsibility based on the experience an dqualification. 

The role and responsibilities of product manager includes everything from the basic idea to planning, developing, and marketing a product. The product manager should always have customer in his/her mind while planning or developing or even while launching a product. This is because only based on the customers response, the company will get its profit or fame.

Here are some of the major works of product management:

  1. Research: A thorough complete research is done before the launch or development of the product. The researching  helps in gaining the knowledge about the market and competitors.
  2. Developing Strategy: Once the research is done, the next step could be development. Here a team or group of members with talk about the plan of the product like its aim, goals, objectives, abd any more in a rough way to have some basic knowledge before stepping into it.
  3. Plans: Once the strategy is one, planning will be the third step. It includes, the plan like what are the key points or roles of the products, do’s and dont’s, and many more. They also discuss about the product from customers point of view like what is needed, and what kind of tools or products are to be included for making it a better one.
  4. Analysis and Feedback: Once the product is done, the final step includes analysing the product wheher it meets the requirements and needs of the customers. Finally, after testing the product with all requirements and feedback, it wuld be ready to be launched.
  5. Launch: Once the product is launches, the team will check the analytic data from the sudtomer point of view and notes down the positive and negative feedbacks. Then once they are done with the process, an unipdated or revamped version would be launched sooner.

The product management or product manager will work mainly of three focuses like:

  • Product discovery

This is mainly about what is to be done or build. When you are a food product manager, you aim would be based  on what food product should be launched based on the latest trend or study. When you are in software field, you have to think about the updates or software that is needed based on the latest research.

  • Product Planning

Planning includes what are to be done once the discovery or the development is being decided. For example, if you are going to launch a health organic food product, the different set of ingredient to make it into a healthier version, and different ways to attract the customer.

  • Product Development

Once all the above are done, the development is done from the company’s end and the manager would be in the state whether everything is going under the requirements or suggested process. Once all are done, you will switch to the next state like launch. HEre the pricing range os also set once after teh discussion is done by keeping the customer in mind between the management and teh company.

Roles and responsibilities:

It depends based on the company’s size. When you are in the budding company, you have to manage and work on all the roles and responsibilities mentioned. This will help you to manage time, learn more new things in a shorter period of time. But in the vice versa case, you will have a team like researchers, analyst, developers, marketers, and many more which could be a team where you get help and reference from different people based on the team. As a beginner or developer to this field, when you start your career in a startup company it could be super knowledgable and approachable based on the exposure and kind of work being done or managed by you.

You will also have a change to work with the clients or teams or customers from outside, so that your knowledge and exposure would be doubled. If the roles impress you, then make sure to learn and develop the needed skills for being a successful product manager. Seekho is one of the best educational site or knowledge sharing place where you will get to know from the basic to the expert level from the group of people present. They help in guiding you from the basic through live classes, videos, and some real-time examples too.

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