Life Style

5 Reasons to Print Out Your Photo Memories

Print Out Your Photo Memories

With the rise of smartphones in the last twenty years, the way we take and store photos has changed significantly. The disposable camera is all but extinct, and people want instant snaps and short videos that they can scroll through instead. However, there is still a case to be made for printed pictures and the post below explores exactly why that is. 

To Display Them

The one downside about having all of your photos on your phone is that you can’t put them up in your house on display. Having printed pictures on the wall, in frames, or strung along fairy lights is special. It makes a house feel like a home and creates an irreplaceable sense of warmth in your living space. It is a happy thing to look at the faces that fill happy memories, and humans are highly sentimental for the most part. 

As a Back Up

Printed photos also mean that if something happens to your phone or online storage, nothing is lost forever. Even if you only have a handful of treasured memories printed out in the cupboard, this is still a safety net for when tech fails. There are so many reasons why you might lose your virtual collection, so why risk it? Printouts give you a greater peace of mind that you will still be able to look through the good times if the alternative is no longer an option. 

It’s Cheap

A photo print is really not that expensive anymore. There are so many offers and loyalty schemes that even if you ordered a batch every month, the expense won’t ever put you too much out of pocket. This means that you really have no excuse not to do it, and your budget will be able to squeeze room in for something that holds so much significance. 

For Your Kids 

Everyone wants to be able to pass nice things on to their children. When the day comes that they move out on their own, for example, wouldn’t it be lovely to hand over an album or three filled with all your lifetime of memories that you made as a family together? Collecting these memories is the right of any parent to pass on, and it may give them comfort when they’re feeling a little inevitable homesickness too. It will make them feel special, loved, and valued which is all any parent really wants for their child.  

To Gift Them 

Or, if not to your children, photo prints make wonderful presents for loved ones and close friends too. You can frame them, blow them up, put them on a blanket or a mug, and all sorts of other things too nowadays. The options are somewhat unlimited, and everyone loves to receive a special photo gift filled with sentiment and care. 

Photo prints are not a dying art. They still hold an important place in any home and for so many people. Whether it is a nostalgic album to pass along to your children or a lovely way to display your happiness on a feature wall, these prints are timeless. 

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