
Common Injuries People Suffer in Car Crashes and Treatment

Injuries People Suffer in Car Crashes

According to the report by NHTSA, nearly 2.74 million people got injured in car accidents in 2019. The injuries varies vary depending on circumstances of each accident/collision. The severity of car accident injuries depends on several factors including the side where the car got hit from ( the rear, side or front) and the direction where the person was facing.

What Are Common Injuries Caused By Car Accidents?

While the severity vary from person to person and from collision to collision, some car related injuries are relatively common. The treatment also may vary given different types of injuries. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut in healing process. And whether you like or not the recovery will take time and care.  Those who have suffered serious car crash injuries may require claims assistance from injury lawyers Perth.  So the following are common types of car accident injuries and relevant treatments.

Whiplash Injuries

This is where the head is suddenly jerked back and forth beyond the normal motion. In most cases, it occurs in rear-end collisions, where the foreign force hits from the back, compelling the head to move forward and back. This causes overextension of the muscles and neck ligaments since the neck is strained. A whiplash injury might seem minor after the accident, and many folks often assume that the pain will eventually go away as time goes. However, when overlooked whiplash injury can develop to severe chronic pain. According to various reports,  whiplash often affect  the soft tissues that do not appear in an x-ray. Therefore, its easy to conclude that you are okay after the x-ray results. Doctors have their special way of diagnosing this cautious injury using the patient’s report and their range of motion tests. Common symptoms of whiplash injury are:

·       Neck pain and neck stiffness

·       Headache

·       Pain in the upper back

·       Fatigue

·       Dizziness

·       Blurred vision

·       Insomnia

·       Irritability

Treatment Alternatives for Whiplash

Since whiplash often results in severe pain, most doctors, when examining the patient, focus on treatment options for relieving pain. These include:

·       Over-the-counter medications like Advil, Tylenol, and Aleve used to relieve pain

·       In cases of severe pain which sometimes causes insomnia, doctors prescribe prescription pain killers or antidepressants to manage the pain

·       Muscle relaxants could also be prescribed to help loosen tight muscles that cause pain

·       Injections like Lidocaine work well when the pain interferes with the healing process.

·       Physical therapy like a cervical foam collar could also be prescribed to keep the head still.

Wrist and Hand Injuries

Wrist injury often occur when the person tries to protect themselves  with their hands during the collision, leading to a serious wrist or hand injuries. In most cases, wrist injuries is associated with broken wrist bones,  making it an expensive-to-treat injury. This is a severe injury and the affected may need immediate medical attention since delicate bones could be involved.

Treatment Options

The most reliable treatment option for a fractured wrist or hand is surgery. This process ensures the broken bone is mended, and though it might take time to heal, you are sure of full recovery. In the case of pain after surgery, the doctor could prescribe pain killers that won’t interfere with the healing process to numb the pain.

Leg and Foot Injuries

This damage is common among many drivers. That’s because their legs are usually stretched while driving. Therefore, in case an accident, the bones and soft tissues in the legs take the force of a crash, which leads to an injury. Similarly to the hand, the foot also has minor tissues that easily break when interfered with. This pain is excruciating and could even cause the inability to move.

Treatment Options

When the tissues and bones are affected, most doctors prescribe surgery to mend the tissues and help with the quick recovery of the leg to its normal function. Though this could take time, you can use painkillers to reduce the pain and support yourself with crutches when necessary. But you are mostly advised to take some long rest and leave the leg undisturbed.

Loss of Limbs

According to the leading statistics, about 1.7 million people live with the loss of limbs in the US.  The injury happens mostly during a grisly road accident that could even be life-threatening. The force from the accident might remove the limbs entirely or partially. This condition leads to long-term rehabilitation and expensive prostheses. Additionally, the affected person may have to use other devices such as a wheelchair or special walking sticks. This causes several limitations. For example, the effected person may have to quit their daily jobs. Also, they may have to employ a full-time assistant to help with menial tasks.

Treatment Alternatives

In most cases, the effected person may feel demotivated as a part of their body is removed, meaning they have to live without it for as long as they are alive. Doctors advise therapy sessions to help the person get used to their body. The individual could also use a wheelchair to help with short-distance movements.

Injuries to The Spine

Injuries to the spinal cord, among other damages, can lead to paralysis. This could either be a permanent or temporary condition, depending on the damage level and the treatment methods. The impact of a collision on a person’s back can cause paralysis in that it dislocates the vertebrae and through causing a tear or bruising of the spinal cord.

Treatment Alternatives

As it turns out, there’s no straightforward treatment for injuries of the spinal cord. This type of injury can be managed through surgery, rehabilitation, analgesic medication, and a mobility device. The effected person may also use other mobile devices that could help them move from one place to another.

The Bottom Line

Car accidents cause severe damage to people every day. After such an unforeseen occurrence, you are most likely short of decisions to take. However, take note that your health comes first. If you notice unceasing pain in any body part, immediately report to the nearest health facility for a check-up before taking any legal action. Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming. Contact any trusted subject for help if you notice that you can’t get up on your own. Always follow the safety rules and regulations for driving to avoid unnecessary damages.

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