
Ultimate Guide to Cutting Mens Hair at Home

Cutting Mens Hair

The first step to Cutting Mens Hair is good preparation. Trim the hair a day before you want to cut it. The best way to do this is with a pair of blunt-tip scissors, which are designed specifically for trimming hair and not sharp enough to cut it.

Next, find a place in your home that gets natural light and has a lot of space. This will make the process easier. You’ll also need an old towel or blanket that you can use as a makeshift cape, and an old T-shirt with long sleeves that’s wide enough to fit around your neck without being too tight on your head.

Last but not least, you’ll need these tools: scissors, comb, razor blade or electric clipper, bowl of water or spray bottle with water in it, brush or comb for detangling knots before cutting them out (you can also use conditioner), and something like a dish towel or small scarf for protecting against nicks and cuts when pulling out

Preparing for Cutting Mens Hair

Cutting Mens Hair

The first step to cutting mens hair at home is to prepare. Trim the hair a day before you want to cut it. The best way to do this is with a pair of blunt-tip scissors, which are designed specifically for trimming hair and not sharp enough to cut it.

Next, find a place in your home that gets natural light and has a lot of space. This will make the process easier. You’ll also need an old towel or blanket that you can use as a makeshift cape, and an old T-shirt with long sleeves that’s wide enough to fit around your neck without being too tight on your head.

Last but not least, you’ll need these tools: scissors, comb, razor blade or electric clipper, bowl of water or spray bottle with water in it, brush or comb for detangling knots before cutting them out (you can also use conditioner), and something like a dish towel or small scarf for protecting against nicks and cuts when pulling out knots

Choosing the right place for Cutting Mens Hair

The place in your home that gets natural light is the best place for cutting hair. It will be easier to see and you’ll have more space to maneuver around with the scissors. You should also try to find a location where there won’t be any distractions. The bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom are all good options.

Choosing the right tools for Cutting Mens Hair

The first step to Cutting Mens Hair is good preparation. Trim the hair a day before you want to cut it. The best way to do this is with a pair of blunt-tip scissors, which are designed specifically for trimming hair and not sharp enough to cut it.

Next, find a place in your home that gets natural light and has a lot of space. This will make the process easier, especially if you’re doing it alone. You’ll also need an old towel or blanket that you can use as a makeshift cape, and an old T-shirt with long sleeves that’s wide enough to fit around your neck without being too tight on your head.

Last but not least, you’ll need these tools: scissors, comb, razor blade or electric clipper, bowl of water or spray bottle with water in it (optional), brush or comb for detangling knots before cutting them out (you can also use conditioner), and something like a dish towel or small scarf for protecting against nicks and cuts when pulling out.

How to cut your own hair

The first step to cutting your hair is good preparation. Trim the hair a day before you want to cut it. The best way to do this is with a pair of blunt-tip scissors, which are designed specifically for trimming hair and not sharp enough to cut it.

Next, find a place in your home that gets natural light and has a lot of space. This will make the process easier. You’ll also need an old towel or blanket that you can use as a makeshift cape, and an old T-shirt with long sleeves that’s wide enough to fit around your neck without being too tight on your head.

Last but not least, you’ll need these tools: scissors, comb, razor blade or electric clipper, bowl of water or spray bottle with water in it, brush or comb for detangling knots before cutting them out (you can also use conditioner), and something like a dish towel or small scarf for protecting against nicks and cuts when pulling out hairs after cutting them off.>>END>>

Cutting Mens Hair with razor blade or electric clipper

If you’re using a razor blade or an electric clipper, start by wetting the hair. The best way to do this is with a spray bottle, but you can also wet the hair with a bowl of water or a damp towel. If you have long hair, then comb it through and divide it into sections based on how thick it is.

Next, use your fingers to measure out about six inches of hair at the top of the head and clip it up so that there’s nothing in the way. Clip up more sections as necessary if you’re going to be cutting larger chunks of hair. Next, take your scissors in one hand and your comb in the other (or just use them interchangeably). With your comb or scissors, measure from the scalp down to where you want to take your first cut. This will help guide you as you cut for a uniform length all around.

With either method, make sure that you look at what you’ve trimmed before cutting more so that everything is even. You’ll need to repeat this process until you reach the desired length. Then brush out any knots or tangles before cutting them out with scissors or snipping them out with clippers.

Trimming hair with electric clipper

If you’re using electric clippers to trim hair, the process is pretty simple.

First, use the clippers to shave any excess hair off of the top and sides of your head. If you need a guide for how much hair is too much, remember that about two-thirds of the way down your head should be shaved.

Next, find a comb on the clipper with teeth that line up with your scalp and run along it when you put the comb against the back of your head (if there’s no such lining up, just pick one that’s closest).

Now all you have to do is line up the comb horizontally and then start running it along your scalp in small strokes. You’ll want to be as gentle as possible so as not to cause any discomfort or injury.

Lastly, if needed, use water to clean hair off of blades after cutting each section. This will keep them from getting tangled or dirty and will make sure they don’t snag on your hair when working on another section.

Shaving hair with razor blade or electric clipper

This is the simplest way to cut hair while you’re cutting it. You’ll need a razor blade or an electric clipper, water or conditioner, scissors, comb and towel.

First, wet the hair down with water or conditioner. Then use the scissors to part the hair in sections on your head. Be sure that each section is damp before you begin to cut it so the blade can move smoothly through the hair. Next, choose between either a razor blade or electric clipper. If you choose an electric clipper, make sure it’s charged and turn it on before you get started. If you’re using a razor blade, run it under water and shake off any excess liquid before beginning to shave with it.

Next, push your comb firmly against one end of a section of hair and use your other hand to push up from underneath that strand of hair so that it stands straight out from your scalp. This will create tension which will help you be able to see where you are cutting without running into thick strands of hair which can cause nicks in the skin and subsequent bleeding if they are not removed with care beforehand.

Use your razor blade or electric clipper to cut against the grain of your hair about 1/4 inch (0.6cm) below the base of this strand of standing up hairs after parting them open like a comb.


While there are many benefits to cutting your own hair at home, the safety of doing so is often debated. With the right tools, techniques and practice, anyone can safely cut their own hair—just make sure you are mindful of your safety, and you’ll have no problem cutting your own hair at home.

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