
Uses Of Learning Management Systems

LMS or Learning Management Systems, as the name suggests are used to facilitate the process of learning and teaching. These systems have been used extensively during the worldwide lockdowns as the deadly COVID-19 pandemic took over the world. Not only were schools and colleges conducting their classes using a classroom app, but they were also using learning management systems to support the smooth functioning of various other departments of the institutions. Learning Management Sytems became more popularised during this pandemic situation, they have been in use for over decades and were introduced in the 90s.

In this article, we will be giving you a brief introduction to what is a learning management system or LMS and what are the different uses of these LMS portals that are available for the enhancement of learning and better functioning of educational institutions in the virtual world.

A Learning Management System or LMS is a digital platform or application-based software that facilitates the functioning of an institution for teaching and learning processes. LMS technology helps n the creation, management and delivery of digital learning content. Not only does this type of system provides trainers and educators with tools for creating interactive content, delivering that content in student-friendly ways and monitoring and assessing the progress made by the learners but it also gives the students the ability to use the latest features that make learning fun and interesting and also allows them to learn at their pace.

A Learning Management System helps in improving the traditional methods that might be tedious and monotonous. It also helps in saving costs for the institutions. A good LMS system has various types of user profiles and makes all their tasks easier be it managing content, creating content, registration of learners, or communicating a message to multiple people.

As per the name of LMS, it seems like this software application is used for schools, colleges and places that need to run their classes using a classroom app. But the real picture is quite different. Learning Management Systems are used by various businesses of all sizes, government agencies, local bodies of the government, e-learning based companies and so many more institutions. Learning Management Systems are used for training of different kinds by these companies and institutions. In the following section of this article, we will be sharing the various uses of learning management systems.

To centralise, deploy and measure the learning activities at an institution, a learning management system is a great tool. Learning management systems are used for the following in various businesses, companies and institutions:

  • Onboarding of new members: When a new employee starts working at an organisation or a new student join an online course, the LMS portal helps them in understanding the organisation or institution. It also helps them create their login IDs and profiles using which they can get access to the course material and other information.
  • Development and retention of newly joined members: Once the new members are added to the LMS portal and have had their IDs and profiles created, they need to be trained further. LMS portals help in their training that makes them more suitable and adapted for their role and activity. In the case of educational institutions, student progress and skillsets are tracked to recommend them further learning material for better development.
  • Training of partners: Partners can be referred to different groups of people depending on the type of organisation being talked about. Be it an educational institute, a business or a government agency, they are sure to have partners who might need training for better results. LMS portals support the training and learning for these partners as well.
  • Member Training: Very similar to the definition of a partner, the definition of a member is very subjective to the company in question. LMS portals facilitate the training of all the members of an institution. This could be the training to understand a new feature introduced by the portal or training for improving the training of students in general or based on any other topic as required.

Learning Management Systems have a wide variety of uses due to the features that they offer. These systems are the backbone for the smooth functioning of any institution that involves learning.

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