
Commercial Property Inspection Explained!

Commercial Property

Commercial property inspection is something as important as a home inspection or might be more important than it because when we talk about a home inspection, it includes the safety of the structure of the house only and the health of the residents but when we put the safety of a commercial property into perspective, it is not only a bigger building structure but can also have a big number of people working inside if it is an office so it is very important to get your commercial properties inspected as well to be sure that the structure is safe and if people are present inside it working for you, they are safe as well.

A commercial inspection is a very detailed process that includes many steps to be completed and an owner of a commercial property should be aware of them completely to know what the commercial inspector should be inspected when they visit their property.

Areas covered in a commercial inspection:

The areas covered by the commercial inspector in a commercial property inspection will be:

1. The condition of the roof.

2. The remaining useful life of the roof.

3. Condition and functioning of elevators.

4. Condition and functioning of conveyance systems.

5. Envelopment of the building.

6. Structure of the building.

7. Foundation of the building.

8. Pavement system of the building.

9. Tenant improvement inside the building.

10. Americans with Disability Act accessibility.

11. Electrical wiring and panels.

12. Air-conditioning (HVAC), ventilation, and heating.

13. Drainage system.

14. Irrigation system.

15. Landscape and site-grading.

Apart from these technicalities, there are some other points that might need the focus of the commercial property inspector:

16. The inadequate design of the building.

17. Improper maintenance of the building.

18. Worn systems of the building.

19. Code violations of the building.

20. Poor workmanship.

21. Equipment whose life is about to end.

All of these areas should be covered in a commercial inspection by an inspector who knows what he is doing. Not only having the concerned knowledge about the commercial inspection is important for the property owner, but the selection of a suitable commercial inspector also holds a lot of importance because this is the person on which the quality of the inspection will depend. As it is not always obvious what is the size of the commercial property that is going to be inspected, this process is divided into three different approaches depending on the number of inspectors needed for the job to be done properly.

Types of commercial inspection approaches:

1. Single Person Inspection Approach.

This type of inspection approach is needed when the size of the commercial property is not that big and the whole place can be inspected by a single commercial inspector.

2. Team Inspection Approach.

This type of approach is needed when the property is bigger in size and cannot be covered by a single person hence a team of commercial inspectors is needed to complete the inspection property and cover all the points included in it. Teamwork means that all the aspects will be covered as a team collectively.

3. Experts or Specialty Approach.

This type of approach is needed when there is a specific problem that needs the attention of an expert only. This can happen either when a preliminary inspection has already been conducted and an issue was discovered that needs the immediate attention of a commercial inspector who specializes in that field.

In any of the above-mentioned cases, it is quite evident that the selection of the right person to do this job for your property is very important hence hiring the right commercial inspector should be the first thing that is supposed to come into the mind of the owner of the property.

Following are some of the characteristics that if found in a commercial inspector, then this is the sign that you should hire them for the inspection of your commercial property.

Properties of a good commercial inspector:

Following are some of the properties to determine if the person being trusted with the safety of the structure of your commercial building and the health of people inside it (if any) is the right choice or not.

  • Ability to get along with his customers:

This is the very first thing that you should notice in them. If the behavior is right and they are able to communicate with you properly. The ability to make the owners understand what might be wrong and what needs to be fixed. Familiarizing the owner of the property with the proper aspects is very important when it comes to inspection of that certain property.

  • Attention to detail:

It is a very important thing when it comes to the inspection of any property so this is the trait that cannot be ignored because every nook and corner of the property should be inspected keenly to make the inspection successful.

  • Reliability:

The inspector coming to inspect the property should be reliable and trustworthy because you are letting them inside your property.

  • Experience:

Relevant experience is the one thing that cannot be ignored so make sure that the person you will be hired to inspect your property has relative and paid experience.

  • Certifications:

The commercial inspector should have all the required certifications and qualifications which qualify him for the work to be done properly.

To find the best Commercial property inspectors to perform a successful property inspection, all the points must be kept in mind and followed properly that will lead towards a satisfactory experience.

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