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What Games Can You Play With Your Two Year Old Child ?


A- From 24 months to 30 months

1- Indoor basketball

Scrape up old newspapers to create a lot of balls. Clear a space and eliminate any breakable objects before beginning playing. Begin by having an event to determine who can throw the balls the farthest. Set up a bin for waste paper about a meter away and then see who can drop their ball in the trash. In addition to keeping him entertained for hours, this kind of game will improve your child’s hand-eye coordination.

2- Do not drown in the sea!

Make an obstacle course in your home. Imagine that the carpet is the sea, and your child has to walk across the other end of the space without getting his feet immersed in water. Set up magazines, cushions or paper plates on the floor to act as step stones. It’s a fun and physically challenging game.

3- Odd man out

Practice this game with pieces of fruit or a variety of coloured blocks. Set a few apples and a banana, for instance, two blue blocks and a yellow block, before your child. Ask him to guess which odd one is. It is possible to play the game harder until your child gets into the habit of playing. Utilize card shapes or pictures such as two triangles and two squares or two blooms and a tree. Check to see if your child can identify the difference between them.

4- One for you, and one for me.

All you require to play this is a collection of objects, like crayons, pebbles, large buttons,Stickle Bricks, and an empty container or plate each. Make a pile of objects and ask them to pass them around by repeating “one for you, one for me” while you alternate between placing one item on a plate and the other on your plate. It may be necessary to demonstrate to the child what you want him to do initially.

Once he’s mastered the art of it, invite your buddy, a childhood friend or even his favourite doll or teddy to play along to allow your child to divide the objects in three ways. This not only teaches your child to share and share, but it also helps introduce to him the concept of numbers when you record the number of objects each player owns at the conclusion.

5 – The idea of a picnic

Make a day unforgettable by doing a picnic lunch. You don’t have to go out to eat – just spread an area rug! Make your toddler’s favourite snack foods, such as mini sandwiches, vegetable sticks, or hard-boiled eggs. As you sit down, allow him to pretend you’re on a different planet. It could be on the top of a mountain, within dense forests or beside an erupting stream. The child will love the excitement, and you’ll inspire his imagination to grow as well.

B- From 30 to 36 Months

1- Scribble away

Buy a pack of washable jumbo crayons. Lay large sheets of plain paper on the floor, and then join your child in writing and drawing. Do not worry about making actual images. The child will be enthralled by drawing on paper using different shapes and colours. This activity is perfect for helping your child build hand-eye coordination.

2 – “Simon says”

Although it is generally played by players in a group, it can be played one-on-one. Start by yelling simple commands, such as “Simon says, put your hands on your head,” and then show your child how to respond. The goal is to encourage your child to mimic you.According to the babies and beauty site ,continue with the other commands also, for instance, “Simon says, put your hands on your knees” and “Simon says, cross your arms”.

For two-year-olds who are older, you might try to get your toddler’s attention with “Touch your toes” without using the phrase “Simon says”. If you don’t say the magical words you are using, then your child should not obey the instruction! This is a great game to repeat, which is perfect for helping your toddler learn about the different body components.

3 – Red-letter day

Create one day during the week a colour day. Pick a colour such as red and choose that colour as your colour to wear for your day. Dress in red. Toast with strawberry jam for breakfast. Paint a red picture and pick the red flower like a baby thank you card, enjoy the tomato-topped pizza you ordered to eat lunch, and count red cars while driving to the stores and then stop for a strawberry milkshake when you get home. It’s a great way to teach your child about colours!

4 – All fall down

This exciting and energetic ball game can also aid your child with numbers. Create a set of skittles with cardboard tubes or plastic bottles. You could even decorate them using stickers or paint. Start by setting an area of three or 4 “skittles” about one metre away from the throw line. Make use of a big softball or even a couple of rolled-up socks. Encourage your child to throw or roll the ball in order to knock the skittles off. The more he is trained, the more adept, the farther from him he will be. If he knocks down a person, then count how many remain.

5 – Cold and hot

Find a toy that you love in space and request your toddler to walk to the room, and then try to locate it. When he is near the item, tell him it’s “warm”. If he’s close enough, then you’re “hot”! If he’s far away, then he’s “cold”. If your toddler is getting annoyed, hold him in the wrist and try to find the treasure. Make sure to keep a constant conversation going until he finds out the location. This game is fun and helps teach your child about the permanence of objects – the concept of a permanent object. Just because you are unable to observe something does not mean that it’s not there.

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