
Process of Getting Indian Visa For German and Italian Citizens

Indian Business Visa

India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the World. More and more companies are opening their branches or franchises in India as they know how fruitful it is for them.

According to Benja News, India will be the best country in the world for tech and business giants in 2022. A lot of American, Canadian, and Australian companies are already operating from India.

The main reason is that Indians are very talented people and most of the Indians are on the highest posts or even the CEO of many big companies like Twitter, Apple, Samsung, and many more.

People from European countries like Germany and Italy also wanted to set up their businesses in India. They get a lot of resources from India at a lower cost. With that, they find labor as well at lower wages as compared to their own countries.

European countries export their product to many Asian countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Iran, and many more.

So, when they have their set up in India, it becomes easy to export the same products in these Asian countries. They can reduce the manufacturing cost as well as the shipping cost for these countries.

So, overall it is a win-win situation for European companies and individuals to move their business or production unit to India.

How to Get Indian Visa

Those Germans who are looking for Visum Indien (Indian Visa) can get their visa online. All they need to do is to download the visa application form online and fill it with accurate information. Attach the required documents and submit them to get a business or entrepreneurship visa.

After the verification process, any German official will get his Indian business visa.

When you apply for an Indian visa, it is better to consult a professional immigrant advisor who can provide you with full details. You should have your passport ready with a few blank pages on that. Because these pages are required to put a stamp on them.

With that, you should have your recent passport photo as well. As it will be used on your visa application form.

If you are from Italy and you are also looking for a Visto Indiano (Indian visa), you have to follow the same process.

Requirement of Indian Citizenship

If you want to do business in India, you don’t need to be an Indian citizen. Any Indian landed legal immigrant can start its business in India. But if you get Indian citizenship, you will get more advantages and favors.

It is not difficult to get Indian citizenship through naturalization. But it is a long process as you need to stay in India for at least 12 years in a total of 14 years time period.

In case your parents are grandparents are Indian but you were born and are living outside India, you are eligible for Indian citizenship. So if you fulfill any criteria, it is good to get Indian citizenship.

So, what are you waiting for? Just download the Indian visa application form and apply for an Indian business visa.

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