
Try multiple choice questions (MCQ) in entrance exams

like it or not The multiple choice test format is now universally adapted to test students’ IQ and knowledge of a specific subject. Students fear multiple choice exams because some find them confusing and dangerous. Some people think that the question was formulated intentionally to allow students to choose the wrong answer. These are misconceptions, when trying to MCQ we should relax and try the test without getting frustrated. Here are some tips that can help you pass the multiple choice entrance exam.

1. Read the questions carefully.

2. Try to guess the answer before looking at the options.

3. If you are not sure of the answer eliminate the impossible Try to remember whether the rest of the answers are related to this problem or not. Do you remember seeing that word in your head? If you’ve never heard of Choice, it can be confusing. If you don’t know the alternative It may not be the answer.

4. After eliminating all other options, make a logical guess. At least you reduced your chances of getting the right answer. Remember that the first estimate is usually more reliable. Unless you get an important revelation along the way.

5. If you are still confused after a few seconds Check the questions to simplify later and continue with the test. Sometimes the answer you are looking for can be found in another problem. Come back to this question later.

6. Do not leave multiple choice questions open, you have a 20-25% chance of guessing correctly.

All of the above questions: If 2 or more answers are correct. Show that all the above answers are correct. Even if you are not sure about the third option.

Multiple choice questions NTS Mcqs play an important role in the test and are one of the most commonly used multiple choice questions in today’s exams. The popularity of MCQs is due to the fact that they can be designed to accommodate a wide variety of learning outcomes.

Developing a good MCQ list takes time, skill and adherence to accepted list building rules.

Characteristics of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Multiple choice questions consist of a choice bar (interference) and a key.

1. Stem – Incomplete questions or statements that pose a problem The origin of the MCQ can be presented as incomplete questions or statements. The choice of model makes no difference in the overall performance of the rod. As long as the author presents a clear and specific problem. Below are examples of two different types of stems:

An example of an MCQ stem written as a question:

Which foods contain the most calcium?

A. Bread and grains

* b. Dairy products

c. Fruits and vegetables

D. Meat and poultry

An example of an MCQ origin written as an incomplete statement:

An example of a test item shipment type is:

Answer: Competitions

B: Multiple choice items

C: short answer paragraph

* D: true-false element

2. Option (Distraction) – Answer options or options called distractions. to offer a possible solution to a particular problem. They work to distract the person who is not sure of the answer. As a rule, there are four options, including:

a. one correct answer (key) and

b. Three distractions

3. Key – Correct Answer or Best Keys are often marked with *.

Rules for writing multiple choice questions

The purpose of the Multiple Choice List (MCQ) format is to provide students with a meaningful and clearly understood assignment. And who learns, can give the correct answer. There should be nothing in the content or structure of the list that prevents the student from responding properly. in the same way Nothing in the content or structure of the list will enable an uninformed student to choose the correct answer. The following writing rules are intended to guide you in developing lists to create MCQs that work as intended. The rules are divided into two types: (1) basic development rules and (2) variable development rules.

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